Pop, Hip-Hop and Rock Star Deaths in 2024 from A-Z

RIP Wayne Kramer (Jim Newberry photo) and Melanie (publicity photo)

 • Ashton "Family Man" Barrett

Jim Beard

Casey Benjamin

Harold C. Black 

Eric Carmen - Cleveland native had hits with the Rasbderries' "Go All the Way" and solo tracks like "Never Gonna Fall Again" And "Hungry Eyes" from 1972-1988; 74

Larry Collins 

Henry Fambrough

Steve Harley

Toby Ketih - Oklahoma-born singer had twenty-one No. 1 country hits in his 30-year career; stomach cancer; 62

Wayne Kramer - Detroit-born co-founder/guitarist with the MC5, known as Brother Wayne; pancreatic cancer; 75

David Libert

Angela McCluskey

Tony Middleton

Peter "Peetah" Morgan


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Steve Bloom

Steve Bloom

Publisher of CelebStoner.com, former editor of High Times and Freedom Leaf and co-author of Pot Culture and Reefer Movie Madness.