Kurt Cobain Note Disparaging Courtney Love Released

Kurt Cobain about Courtney Love in 1994: "...she’s a bitch with zits and siphoning all yr money for doping and whoring.’"

Life was not so great for Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love shortly before the rocker died from a gunshot blast in 1994. A note written on stationary from the Phoenix Hotel in San Francisco by Cobain and newly released by Seattle PD, who found it in his wallet at the time of his death, reads:

Do you Kurt Cobain take Courtney Michelle Love to be your lawful shredded wife. Even when she’s a bitch with zits and siphoning all yr money for doping and whoring. (The note is cut off at the bottom.)

Conspiracy theorists have long contended that Cobain did not commit suicide on Apr. 5, 1994. This note provides more fuel to the argument that Love may have conspired to have her husband killed.

Steve Bloom

Steve Bloom

Publisher of CelebStoner.com, former editor of High Times and Freedom Leaf and co-author of Pot Culture and Reefer Movie Madness.