Steve Bloom

Retail Marijuana: The Cash in Grass

The folks at have created an infographic that explains the differences between marijuana taxes in Colorado and Washington, and compares recreational, medical and black market sales in Denver.

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Death By Marijuana? Brits Say It Happened

One of the linchpin arguments in favor of marijuana legalization is that pot does not have a lethal dose. Yet, in England, a coroner and pathologist are claiming that a 31-year-old woman died of cannabis poisoning in October.

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Weed to the Rescue: Pot in the NFL

The NFL's zero tolerance policy on marijuana could be changing in the very near future. One former player says he "weeded when needed" to manage pain and many others do the same.

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Marijuana Editor Now Says He Smokes Pot

After dodging questions about his own cannabis use, the Denver Post's "marijuana editor" Ricardo Baca concedes, "I do use it on occasion, medically and recreationally."

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MPP Sacks SAM Stoner Bowl Billboard

Smart Approaches to Marijuana - the pitiful anti-pot organization led by former Sen. Patrick Kennedy - thinks weed "kills your drive." In a battle of Stoner Bowl billboards, the MPP begs to differ.

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Wiz Khalifa's Stoner Bowl Playlist

According to Wiz Khalifa's publicist, the rapper "has put together a Spotify playlist for those who plan to partake while watching Sunday’s game," Super Bowl XLVIII.

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Bieber Busted for DUI, Admits Pot Use

Justin Bieber's smiling mug shot belies the trouble he's in. On Jan. 23, the pop singer was arrested in Miami Beach for DUI, resisting arrest and driving without a license. He has pled not guilty.

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