Steve Bloom

The Year at CelebStoner

Going on our eighth year, CelebStoner is one of the oldest marijuana blogs. When I started it, our only competition was High Times and Cannabis Culture. Now there are dozens of pot blogs, making it a very crowded field.

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The Top 10 Marijuana News Stories of 2013

The word "legalization" was front and center in the minds of marijuana activists and lawmakers this year. Uruguay and Portland, Maine both legalized it, and Colorado and Washington prepared for regulated recreational sales in 2014.

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The Stoniest TV Shows of 2013

It was a big year on the Doob Tube. "Breaking Bad" and "Eastbound & Down" ended their runs, Wilfred kept hitting the bong, and Dr, Sanjay Gupta admitted he was wrong about pot.

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Denver Braces for Recreational Marijuana Green Rush

One hundred pot shops catering to recreational users are set to open in Denver on and around Jan. 1. Another 36 will be located around the state. In addition, 212 licenses have been granted for cultivation, product and testing facilities.

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Uruguay Legalizes It!

Despite protestations from the U.N., Uruguay Pres. Jose Mujica signed into law legislation that allows the South American country to regulate the cultivation and sale of marijuana on Monday.

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De Blasio's Daughter Drank, Smoked Pot

Chiara de Blasio, daughter of New York's incoming mayor, Bill, sought drug and alcohol treatment after her first year in college. "Now I'm actually getting to explore things that aren't partying," she says.

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Happy Holidaze from CelebStoner

We'd like to wish a Mary Christmas and Hempy New Year to everyone who visits CelebStoner and works tirelessly to reform the country's archaic marijuana laws. Let's legalize it everywhere in 2014!

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