Notorious pot seed salesman and cannabis activist Marc Emery (a.k.a. The Prince of Pot) has served his five years in U.S. prison (with 10 months off for good behavior), but he’s now wrapped up in a bureaucratic nightmare deportation process, which could take weeks or more.
"Marc has been sent to Tensas Parish Detention Center in Louisiana," his wife Jodie reports in an update to her husband's latest blog. "We don't know how long he will be held there."
One good thing about this whole horrific joke is that, in seeking to silence one pot activist, the evil empire created another. Jodie Emery has really had a unique opportunity to shine these last four years. As president of Cannabis Culture, she's done numerous interviews on behalf of her husband - even going so far as to become a regular guest on the CTV talk show, Unfiltered.
When Jodie speaks – be it on her Pot TV show, at Idea City, at pot rallies or in interviews, she always demonstrates that cannabis users can be articulate, well-dressed and high functioning. She also speaks from the heart, and reaches a wider audience than the more Cheech & Chong-looking pot activists do. She's even been featured on the cover of local Vancouver magazines and makes a cameo in the latest Trailer Park Boys film.
Emery may also become a candidate for the Liberal Party in the October 2015 Canadian federal election, an idea that has some conservative pundits shaking in their boots - so much so that they're attempting to scare the Liberal Party into distancing themselves from the idea. Emery would be running to represent Vancouver East in Parliament.
Regardless of whether or not the Liberals decide to go with Jodie, she and Marc will no doubt involve themselves heavily with the upcoming campaign, urging people to vote for the Liberals and Justin Trudeau, who has recently come over to the legalization side, for Prime MInister.
When he is finally released back into Canada, Marc Emery will no doubt be warmly welcomed by Jodie, and they will be more together, more energized, more inspired and more powerful than at any time before Marc’s vacation in “Club Fed" for seed sales he made from Canada to the U.S. The attempt to silence Emery may have backfired. He'll return with a greater desire to end this farce than ever before, and armed with the idea that – if the powers that be ever try and touch him again – he can in turn unleash Jodie Emery against them. The constant threat of this powerful duo may be too much for the prohibitionists to handle. They'll fear jailing him again in the future, not wishing to give his better half another soap box. Time will tell.
Send letters to Marc Emery to:
Marc Emery #079067710
Tensas Parish Detention Cente
8606 Hwy. 65
Waterproof, LA 71375