Once again Americans went to the polls on Election Day and voted for marijuana.
Voters in New Jersey, Arizona, Montana and South Dakota approved recreational legalization ballot initiaitives.
Voters in Mississippi and South Dakota approved medical-marijuana ballot initiatives.
There are now 15 rec states and 35 medical states in America
The time is long overdue for the federal government to end marijuana prohibition. The people have spoken in states since 2012 when Colorado and Washington became the first to break the green ceiling.
Not only did voters favor marijuana, they supported it overwhelmingly - 67% in New Jersey, 60% in Arizona, 57% in Montana and 53% in South Dakota. The average victory since 2012 is 56%.
The time is long overdue for the federal government to end marijuana prohibition. The people have spoken in states since 2012.
According to Pew Research in 2019, two-thirds of Americans favor legalizing marijuana.
Yet Congress refuses to move on this imprtant issue, thanks to the Republican Senate.
The MORE Act, currently tabled by the House, would deschedule marijuana. That's the bill that needs to pass. But with Mitch McConnell running the Senate it seems unlikely it will come to a vote.
So we have more work to do in illegal states (35 of them) and on the federal level.
But clearly people are shouting loud and clear like Peter Tosh sang in 1976: "Legalize it!"