Steve Bloom

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Maureen Dowd: Too High

New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd went to Denver to check out the new legal marijuana scene there. After eating a cannabis-infused chocolate bar, she found herself "in a hallucinatory state for the next eight hours."

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Dear deBlasio: Your Pot Policy Is dePressing

New York Mayor Bill deBlasio is officially a liar. He's called the high number of marijuana arrests in the city the last two decades "ridiculous," yet during his first three months in office, weed busts have increased 9%.

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On Elliot Rodger, Seth Rogen and Bad 'Neighbors'

In the fallout of Elliot Rodger's killing spree in California, one writer has accused films like "Neighbors" with making many students feel "unjustly shut out of college life." The movie's male lead Seth Rogen calls this "horribly insulting and misinformed."

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Obama: Because He Got High

"I made bad choices," Pres. Obama said yesterday. "I got high." And he also became the President of the United States. So then, how exactly did getting high harm his growth and development?

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