Media Has Fun at Maureen Dowd's Expense

New York Times' columnist Maureen Dowd's frantic account of her getting stoned on a chocolate bar in Denver has created a media frenzy. While Chris Hayes takes it pretty seriously on MSNBC, Conan O'Brien predictably goes for the laughs.

In the clip below, Hayes pokes fun at Dowd, then interviews MPP communications director Mason Tvert, who admits, "Edible marijuana products can be very uncomfortable if someone consumes too much of them. It's really important that they get the information they need to do it responsibly."

Such is the case in the Conan clip below, in which cameraman Bob starts to freak out when he thinks the host is onto him. "He probably knows I ate an entire weed Rice Krispie treat before the show," Bob thinks. "Yeah, he probably knows." His paranoia mimics Dowd's. It turns out O'Brien' sidekick Andy Richter has been "supplying the entire staff with weed Rice Krispie treats."

Steve Bloom

Steve Bloom

Publisher of, former editor of High Times and Freedom Leaf and co-author of Pot Culture and Reefer Movie Madness.