Now that Colorado and Washington have legalized marijuana, Pres. Obama is softening up about pot. He made light of his college use at the White House Correspondents' Dinner on Saturday night.
"I remember when buzz feed was just something I did in college around 2 am," the toking president said in reference to the website as well as his own days as a collegiate choomer. "It's true."
Chooming was the term Obama and his friends in Hawaii made up for smoking marijuana. In 2006, he was asked if he'd ever used marijuana. "I inhaled frequently," Obama conceded. "That was the point."
During his two years at Occidental College in Los Angeles Obama continued to choom; this must be the time he was referring to during his 23-minute monologue at the dinner. Obama has said he stopped smoking pot when he moved to New York to attend Columbia University in 1981. It's unclear if he ever choomed again.
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