Isn’t it funny how some things are a little taboo until a celebrity does them? Marijuana use is one such thing.
While medicinal marijuana may be legal in 26 states and recreational legalization in four, pot hasn’t been accepted in American society for very long. In other words, your grandmother probably wouldn’t want to catch you smoking it. You could list the many health benefits of cannabis, the fact that it’s not a drug but an herb and flower, or detail all the reasons alcohol is more dangerous than weed. But probably, none of those things will put grandma’s mind at ease more than telling her Martha Stewart got high with Snoop Dogg. If Martha did it, it must not be so bad, right?
Take for example the explosion in the popularity of vaping in the past five years. Vaping is a healthier alternative to more traditional forms of smoking (joints, pipes, bongs, blunts). But that’s not the only reason why vaping has become a mainstream activity. Another is the handful of celebrities—from Willie Nelson to The Weeknd—who enjoy making clouds with vaporizers. Here are eight of them...

While many celebrities keep their smoking a secret, country singer-songwriter Willie Nelson has built a legend around his marijuana use and pot activism. Back in 2015, Nelson and colleagues discussed launching a marijuana company based on a core belief in quality herb and marijuana awareness.
Nelson’s vision became Willie’s Reserve, a legal cannabis business based in Colorado, where they’ve teamed up with other established stores to fill shelves with Nelson’s branded products.
As for the Red Headed Stranger’s personal smoking preference, he enjoys vaping over edibles and dabbing. “I never heard of marijuana smoke killing anyone,” Nelson told CelebStoner. “Vaporizers I think are smarter.”
He further explained his stance on vaping for Larry King on CNN: “I’ve changed my habits a little bit. I’ve smoked so much and I got congestion from it, wheezing in the night and coughing. So I switched over to a vaporizer. You don’t get any smoke, and you don’t get any heat. And for a singer, or someone’s lungs, it’s much, much healthier.”