I get my weed from California
Pass that shit
That lyric is in the chorus of Justin Bieber's 2021 No. 1 song, "Peaches." It's repeated multiple times. (Watch the clip below.)
Call him Wiedber. Last week, the 27-year-old Canadian pop star visited Los Angeles' hottest new dispensary, Wonderbrett, at 314 N. LaBrea.

Bieber reportedly purchased more than $1,000 worth of cannabis products on July 12, including multiple premium flowers (Pink Picasso, OZ Kush, Pineapple OG, Orange Sunset and Melon OG to name a few) and their Peach OZ fruit pureé edibles.
“Justin was very interested in cannabis and how beneficial it is," owner Brett Feldman said. "He was there for 20 minutes, was very personable and asked a lot of questions. He loves how the stigma is changing."

Snoop Dogg visited the store when it opened July 9.
From 2013-2014, Bieber was the subject of numerous CelebStoner headlines - from Bieber Bus Busted for Buds at Border to Bongs and Weed Found at Bieber's Stoner House.
Can a Bieber's Buds celebrity strain be far behind?
RELATED: "Highest in the Room" Rapper Travis Scott Launches Cannabis Brand