South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone recently signed a $900 million contract with Viacom. What do they plan to do with all that money?
"I think we’re really for the first time going to bring Tegridy Weed into real life," Stone tells Bloomberg. He did not elaborate.
South Park has had a long history of joking about weed. But the Tegridy Farms theme that ran through Season 23 was something else. Grower Randy Marsh tries to stamp out the local competition and go into business with China. One episode lampoons Med Men and the corporate takeover of cannabis.
Matt Stone: "I think we’re really for the first time going to bring Tegridy Weed into real life."
In 2010, Westword wrote: "Is the Tegridy Farms tease just the South Park crew fucking with us? Probably. After all, it'd be a very Cartman move if Stone and Parker did enter the pot trade: Two rich white guys making money off legal cannabis would be very similar to what they're making fun of MedMen for trying to do."
Still, you could imagine the strain names: Cartman Kush, Randy's Moonrocks, Parker's Pot, Matt's Stones, Towlie's Dream.
Do you want Tegridy? Watch below.