CBD Advocate Olivia Newton-John Passes from Cancer

Olivia Newrton-John as Sandy in "Grease" in 1978 and a more recent portrait

Shortly after Olivia Newton-John was diagnosed with breast cancer for the third time in 2017, the singer/actress also revealed she'd been treating her condition with cannanbis grown by her husband, John Easterling. Newton-John passed away on August 8. She was 73. 

“In California, it’s legal to grow a certain amount of plants for your own medicinal purposes,” Newton-John stated in 2018, adding that her husband “makes me tinctures. They help with pain. My dream is that, in Australia, it will be available soon to all the cancer patients and people going through cancer that causes pain.”

In 2017, Chloe Lattanza acknowledged her mother was using “CBD oil and other natural healing remedies, plus modern medicine, to beat this." Newton-John was first diagnosed in 1992 and again in 2013 and 2017. This time the cancer spread to the base of her spine.

Famous for her roles in movie musicals Grease (as Sandy) and Xanadu (as Kira)Newton-John, who was born in the U.K and raised in Australia, cracked the U.S Top 10 with "Let Me Be There" in 1973. She followed with back-to-back No. 1 hits in 1974 and 1975 with "I Honestly Love You" and "Have You Never Been Mellow"

"You're the One That I Want" with John Travolta from Grease (1978) and "Magic" from Zanadu (1980, watch below), were also No. 1's as was "Physical" (1981).


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Steve Bloom

Steve Bloom

Publisher of CelebStoner.com, former editor of High Times and Freedom Leaf and co-author of Pot Culture and Reefer Movie Madness.