Peter Tosh's youngest son Jawara McIntosh passed away on July 17. He was 40 years old.
Everything changed for Tosh when he was arrested in Mahway, NJ on June 15, 2013 after police pulled him over for allegedly driving recklessly. They claim there were open bottles of alcohol on the front seat and that McIntosh was under the influence. His license, which he didn't have, was suspended at the time.

The cops found three large bags in suitcases containing 65 pounds of marijuana in the trunk. They charged McIntosh with marijuana possession with intent to distribute, two counts of driving under the influence, driving with a suspended license, improper passing and having an open container of alcohol in the vehicle.
Mahway Police Chief James Batelli said McIntosh had a record that included arrests for "disorderly persons offenses, assault, resisting arrest and promoting prostitution."
Tosh spent more than six months in county jail before he pled guilty to possession with intent to distribute and received a one-year sentence in August 2016. With six months left to serve he entered the Bergen County Jail in January 2017.
A month later, Tosh sustained a brain injury after he got into an altercation wtih another inmate. He was in a coma for a year and spent the rest of his life at home in Dorchester, MA. He never recovered from the brutal attack.
In 2019, the Tosh family sued the Bergen County Jail for failing to protect Jawara's human rights. A few months earlier Tosh's attacker Kyrie Baum was charged with aggravated assault.
A performer (see clip below) and advocate like his famous father, Jawara was known as Tosh 1. He was one of nine children sired by the former Wailer.
Known for his marijuana advocacy, Peter Tosh released "Legalize It" in 1975. Tosh was murdered in Jamaica in 1987.