Republican Florida Congressman Trey Radel was arrested for cocaine possession on Oct. 29. He pleaded guilty in Washington, DC Superior Court today.
The arrest occurred during a "buy and bust" undercover operation outsie Circa restuarant in the Dupont Circle section of Nation's Capitol. According to the Washington Post, the dealer "had been previously arrested as part of a separate drug investigation led by a federal task force." Radel purchased an eight-ball (3.5 grams) for $250. It was not the first time he had bought the drug.
The grand jury charged Rep. Radel with possession of a controlled substance on Nov. 19. He was sentenced to one year of probation (the conviction will be removed form his record when he completes this).
"I struggle with the disease of alcoholism, and this led to an extremely irresponsible choice," Radal said in a prepared statement. "However, this unfortunate event does have a positive side. It offers me an opportunity to seek treatment and counseling. I know I have a problem and will do whatever is necessary to overcome it, hopefully setting an example for others struggling with this disease."
A freshman Congressman who represents Fort Myers and Naples (19th district), Radel is a co-sponsor of a bipartisan bill that would reform federal mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses (HR 3382). However, he also has supported an amendment to a bill that requires food-stamp recipients to be drug tested.
The Tea Party darling (he calls himself the "the hip-hop conservative") is former TV anchor, actor and comedian. He was born in Cincinnati in 1976.