Justin Bieber's smiling mug shot belies the trouble he's in. On Jan. 23, the pop singer was arrested in Miami Beach for DUI, resisting arrest and driving without a license.
Bieber was caught drag racing in a yellow Lamborghini on Pine Tree Dr. at about 4 am. He'd been partying at the club SET prior to the incident. Police clocked Bieber at 60 mph in a 30 mph zone. He and fellow singer Khalili Sharieff (in a Ferrari) were racing side by side. The area was blocked by members of Bieber's entourage so they could speed.
Police concluded that Bieber was under the influence of a controlled substance. They claim he admitted he had used marijuana and taken anti-depressants that night, and had a few beers. His blood-alcohol level was .014 and .011 in two different tests, both below the standard legal limit of .08.
Update: The preliminary toxicology report, releaased on Jan. 30, found THC and alprazolem (Xanax) in his urine. Additional police information alleges that Bieber "reeked of marijuana" and said, "Yeah, we were smoking all night in the studio." As far as the Xanax, Bieber claimed not to know what prescription drug he was on. "My mom takes care of all of that stuff for me," he explained. A day earlier, Bieber's lawyers entered a not-guilty plea.
Bieber was allegedly belligerent to the police, asking, "What the fuck are doing?" and "I ain't got no fucking weapons. Why do you have to search me?" When Bieber wouldn't cooperate with the officers' orders, he was handcuffed and arrested.
The 19-year-old Canadian was taken to Miami-Dade County Jail, where he spent the rest of the night and was released at 2:30 pm on $2,500 bail. He faces the possibilty of being deported.