Shia LaBusted Again, This Time in Texas

Oft-arrested actor Shia LaBeouf was charged with public intoxication in Austin on Oct. 9. When police stopped the Tranformers star for jaywalking on Sixth St., they determined that he was drunk (and/or stoned) and took him to the Travis Country jail where he was booked and released. LaBeouf has a court appearance on Monday.

He was in town for the Austin City Limits music festival. "He got all in the cops' face and when they told him not to do that, he started cussing them out and stuff," reports an eyewitness to the incident. 

It's odd that LaBeouf would get arrested on Sixth St., Austin's main entrainment strip. People routine jaywalk and drink there as they go in and out of clubs. "I guess he just wanted to come party and he took it a little too hard," the eyewitness added. 

This was LaBeouf's sixth arrest since 2005. Check out his rap sheet here.

Steve Bloom

Steve Bloom

Publisher of, former editor of High Times and Freedom Leaf and co-author of Pot Culture and Reefer Movie Madness.