At 5 pm on Saturday, gunshots rang out at the 4/20 pro-marijuana rally in Denver's Civic Center Park, hitting three attendees. No one was seriously hurt, but it set off a panic in the crowd.
A man and a woman were both shot in their ankles and a juvenile was grazed by a bullet. The incident took place near the right side of the bandshell. Police say there were two shooters. The investigation is being handled by the DPD's Game Unit.
"There was a concert going on in the theater," says a TV reporter, referring to rapper Lil Flip who was stage at the time. "We heard four to five gunshots go off in rapid succession and then thousands of people running for the street side here in the park."
Lil Flip posted on Facebook: "I am just grateful that no one was seriously hurt.. and FOR THE RECORD, the incident had NOTHING to do with the MUSIC or the MOVEMENT!"
As many as 20,000 people were still in the park following the 4:20 smoke out on Apr. 20, a ritual practiced by stoners all over the world.
"I saw several people get trampled," says an eyewitness. "Peoples' shoes were everywhere, their cell phones and all of their belongings. I heard people say explosions, and people thought a bomb had gone off. That place cleared out in like two minutes."
People were seen running away from the area. "Everyone started to scatter and ran toward one end of the park," says another.
Meanwhile, things were peaceful over at the High Times Cannabis Cup at the Exdo Center, which was packed with upwards of 15,000 attendees. In the medication areas, dabbing took precedence. Even though it was a slow crawl from booth to booth, there were no incidents. Panel discussions provided food for thought, and, just past 4:20, a couple was married. Later, today the Cannabis Cup winners will be announced, followed by a performance by rapper Styles P.