The state that failed to legalize marijuana in November will have another chance. Oregon activists have filed two propositions intended for the 2014 ballot.
One would tax and regulate marijuana and the other would allow adults to grow their own.
The main differences between the former proposal and the one that lost in November (Measure 80) is that the commission established to implement production and sales would be appointed by the governor (not by members of the marijuana community). Also, unlimited possession of dried marijuana and plants as proposed under Measure 80 would now be limited to 24 ounces and 24 plants - still a significant amount.
Measure 80's chief sponsor Paul Stanford says he's "working with a broad coalition of marijuana activists," including New Approach Oregon, which is supporting a House bill that would accomplish the same goal as the initiative.
"I'm not going to be the fly in the ointment," Stanford adds. "We're going to make a group decision. That's my plan."
Measure 80, which lost by six points, received little national support from pro-legalization groups like MPP and DPA. Meanwhile, initiatives in states where they were involved financially and on the ground - Colorado and Washington - both won.
The next step in Oregon is to collect 2,000 signatures for each ballot so they can receive titles. Once that happens the job of collecting upwards of 200,000 signatures per ballot begins.