Wild West: Weed Wyoming Wants Medical-Marijuana

Weed Wyoming
The proposed medical marijuana law would allow patients to possess up to 50 plants and 10 pounds of pot in Wyoming.

Wyoming may join neighbor Colorado and other Western states by voting to legalize medical marijuana in 2016. The Weed Wyoming Compassionate Use Act would be the most liberal medical-marijuana law in the country, if passed. Here are two significant sections of the Act:


6. Each patient with a written recommendation is presumed to have the right to possess up to 10 marijuana plants for their personal medical use and may keep the entire harvest in their residence, place of business, place of worship and/or growing location of the medical marijuana. While traveling, patients are presumed to be permitted carry up to 10 ounces of marijuana for their personal medical use. Patients requiring larger amounts of marijuana to treat their medical condition may possess a larger quantity upon written recommendation from a Wyoming licensed physician specifying the number of plants and/or weight of marijuana necessary to treat their condition up to but no greater than 10 pounds and/or 50 plants. Patients without a written recommendation for a larger quantity may use medical necessity as an affirmative defense against possession and/or cultivation charges in court.

10. Patients may use marijuana for medical purposes in any location where tobacco smoking is permitted if the marijuana is being burned. If the marijuana is being used in a form that does not require burning and/or smoking such as vaporization or through marijuana infused food items it may be used anywhere within the State of Wyoming.

Wyoming has one of the most restrictive marijuana laws in the country. Possession of up to one ounce is punishable by a year in jail and/or a $1,000 fine.

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Steve Bloom

Steve Bloom

Publisher of CelebStoner.com, former editor of High Times and Freedom Leaf and co-author of Pot Culture and Reefer Movie Madness.