DEA head Michele Leonhart is at it again, criticizing Pres. Obama's drug policy and the Department of Justice for not cracking down in newly legalized marijuana states, Colorado and Washington.
Referring to a conservative backlash in the Netherlands, which has led some coffee shops to bar foreigners, Leonhart told the House Appropriations subcommittee at a hearing on Wednesday, "We should've learned from that and never gone forward with what we've seen in this country."
The DEA's chief administrator, who's s a holdover from the Bush presidency, previously took issue with Obama for saying marijuana is not more dangerous than alcohol. She also was upset about the White House playing a softball game against drug-law reformers, the One Hitters (and losing) and the flying of a hemp flag over the White House lat 4th of July.
Dan Riffle, federal policies director at the MPP, is calling for Leonhart's head: "Publicly criticizing and questioning the competence of your supervisor would get anyone fired in the private sector. It's frankly astounding to me that Ms. Leonhart is still employed and American taxpayers continue to foot her $165,000 salary to publicly campaign against the president's policies."
More than 30,000 people have signed the MPP's change.org petition, "Fire Anti-Marijuana DEA Administrator.