Despite legalization in Colorado and Washington, marijuana arrests rose nationally in 2014 by 1%, according to the FBI's latest Uniform Crime Report. This follows a decline of 22% over the previous three years.
Here's the five-year breakdown:
2014 - 700,993 (arrests up 1%)
2013 - 693,058 (arrests down 8%)
2012 - 749, 825 (arrests down 1%)
2011 - 757,969 (arrests down 13%)
2010 - 853,638
Generally, 88% of all marijuana arrests are for possession, and 12% for manufacturing and sales.
“These numbers refute the myth that nobody actually gets arrested for using marijuana," states Mason Tvert, communications director for the MPP. "It’s hard to imagine why more people were arrested for marijuana possession when fewer people than ever believe it should be a crime. Law enforcement officials should not be wasting their time and resources arresting and prosecuting adults for using marijuana. As long as we have these silly laws on the books, law enforcement resources will be wasted on enforcing them. It’s time for state officials to step up and end the outdated policy of marijuana prohibition.”