Marijuana News

Swiss Say Yes to Marijuana

Swiss citizens can now carry up to 10 grams of marijuana without fear of arrest. Switzerland is the fourth European country to decriminalize pot.

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Wild West: Weed Wyoming Wants Medical-Marijuana

Wyoming may join neighbor Colorado and other Western states by voting to legalize medical marijuana in 2016. The proposal would allow patients to possess up to 50 plants and 10 pounds of pot.

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Maryland Approves Medical Marijuana

In May, Maryland Gov. O'Malley signed a bill allowing for the creation of "academic medical centers" that will provide pot to patients. On Oct. 1, the law went into effect. So then why is Maryland not considered a medical marijuana state?

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ASA Protests Anti-Pot Conference

Leading proponents of marijuana prohibition geared up for a protest against their California conference by falsely claiming to move the event, which took place Monday and Tuesday as planned.

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