Willie Nelson has been around so long that he needs several autobiographies to tell his story. His newest tome, It's a Long Story: My Life, is available in bookstores and at amazon.com.

The book has been excerpted by Freedom Leaf in the May issue. Here are a few snippets from the excerpt:
• I owe marijuana a lot. As I write these words on the verge of age 82, I think I can fairly make the claim that marijuana - in the place of booze, cocaine, and tobacco - has contributed to my longevity.
• When it comes to persecuting people for pot, there’s a long list of horror stories. The thing that gets me is, why? Why waste precious law enforcement resources on bullshit?
• It’s been especially satisfying to see public opinion turn in favor of legalizing pot. The arguments advocating the many good uses of that plant have finally prevailed. For agriculture, for pain relief, for clothing - for the good of the environment and the good of the creative mind - my money’s on pot. To have lived long enough to see it being decriminalized from coast to coast brings me deep satisfaction.