Things get all Rasta on the latest episodes of Counting Cars when Danny and the boys are commissioned by Ziggy Marley to restore his father's 1981 Mercedes 500 SL.
In the first episode, "One Love, One Car," Marley hooks up with Danny (a.k.a. The Count) at his car-repair shop, Count's Kustoms, in Las Vegas. The Mercedes has not been touched in 20 years,; it's black paint is faded and the engine is stuffed with straw (a rat's nest, perhaps?). Marley wants it restored to its original glory.

When he tells Danny he's "into hemp material," Danny agrees to customize the interior with hemp fabric. They have three months to finish the job.
The Mercedes is a tough challenge since it's a European model, which means getting replacement parts will be next to impossible. They'll have to work with what they have.
In the followup episode, "The Marleymobile," Danny unveils the Mercedes restored to its original eggshell white. The word LEGEND is affixed under the trunk and on the front plate, and a Lion of Judah flag adorns the gas cap plate.
"The interior is all leather and hemp," Danny crows. "The headliner's all hemp. The door panel's hemp. Even the dash is all covered in hemp."
"Love that smell," Marley jokes.
The once rotten, rusty and rat-infested Benz is now a car fit for a Legend.
Watch Counting Cars, Tuesdays at 9 pm ET, on The History Channel.