Chelsea Handler is now on Netflix. Four episodes are available, including "Chelsea Does Drugs," in which she smokes pot with Willie Nelson and experiments with ayahuasca in Peru.
The episode begins with a cannabis-infused meal for five with a group of her friends, who get progressively wasted as the meal goes on.
Handler reveals that she was 'really anti-drugs growing up. Then I tried (pot). We couldn't stop laughing. I smoked a lot of pot and did a lot of acid in my senior year. I took my SATs on acid… I like drugs. I think they're good for the imagination. I think they're good for the thought process.'
First stop is a visit to Nelson's bus. He breaks out a joint of Willie's Reserve, which they share. "I tried LSD and I didn't like it," Nelson tells her. "It lasted too long. I ate too many cookies one time and I could feel the flesh falling off my bones."
Chelsea Handler: 'I Like Marijuana'

Handler takes Adderall and then Ambien in separate sessions with a neurologist friend, interviews another friend who had a cocaine problem, tours L.A.'s Skid Row section known as "The Nickel" and prepares for a journey to Peru with the help of a self-proclaimed Caucasian shaman in Malibu.
Her trip to Iquitios - at the mouth of the Amazon - is the main focus of the program. Handler and two other friends drink the jungle concoction. It takes two tries for her to feel the effects of the crude tea. The second time Handler has some deep thoughts about her relationship with her sister. She also throws up.
"I wanted to have the experience I was reading about," Handler says, "and I did."
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The episode is clearly pro-recreational drugs, but down on the harder stuff. "I never thought I had a drug problem," Handler points out, but admits she may be a functional alcoholic. After all, Handler wrote the book, Are You There, Vodka? It's Me, Chelsea.
The other episodes in the series focus on marriage, racism and Silicon Valley.