PGA Tour player Robert Garrigus likes to smoke pot. In 2011, he revealed that in 2002 "plenty of guys on the Nationwide Tour smoked... You could go in the Porta John and take your drags." The golfer spent 45 days in a rehab clinic in 2003 for alcohol abuse.
Fast forward to March 22, 2019 when Garrigus was suspended for three months by the association for testing positive to a "drug of abuse," which he said was marijuana.
Garrigus says he was self-medicating for knee and back pain. "I wasn't trying to degrade the PGA Tour in any way, my fellow professionals in any way. I don't cheat the game," he said in July. "I understand HGH (Human Growth Hormone), anything you are trying to do to cheat the game you should be suspended for 100 percent. Everything else should be a discussion."
He'd like the PGA to take another look at marijiuana. "If you have some sort of pain and CBD or THC may help that, and you feel like it can help you and be prescribed by a doctor, then what are we doing?" Garrigus stated. "If you are doing marijuana then we should be testing for alcohol, too. If you can buy it in a store, then why are we testing for it? That's my opinion."
Garrigus won the Children's Miracle Network Classic in 2010 and placed third in the U.S. Open in 2011.