"Crazy Ex-Girlfriend" Rachel Bloom Gets the Munchies

Golden Globe winner Rachel Bloom joins comedienne Toni Charline on her Funny or Die web-series, "Munchies." The Crazy Ex-Girlfriend star helps her whip up a batch of cheesy mashed potatoes. 

After sharing an infused gummy (not on camera), the danked duo can barely mange to prepare the ingredients.

"I have to sit back down," says Bloom. "I haven't been this high in a long time."

Once the French dish (alogot) is prepared, Charline asks," Would you serve this to someone?"

"No," Bloom demurs.

Steve Bloom

Steve Bloom

Publisher of CelebStoner.com, former editor of High Times and Freedom Leaf and co-author of Pot Culture and Reefer Movie Madness.